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Princeton Theological Seminary prepares women and men to serve Jesus Christ in ministries marked by faith, integrity, scholarship, competence, compassion, and joy, equipping them for leadership worldwide in congregations and the larger church, in classrooms and the academy, and in the public arena.
Princeton Seminary’s Reformed tradition shapes the instruction, research, practical training, and continuing education, as well as the theological scholarship it promises. The Seminary embraces a rich racial and ethnic tapestry and the breadth of communions represented in the worldwide church. It offers its theological scholarship in service to God’s renewal of the church’s life and mission, and it seeks to engage Christian faith with intellectual, political, and economic life in pursuit of truth, justice, and peace.
People from across the nation and around the world come to Princeton Theological Seminary every year to pursue ministry as a vocation. Students come from West Virginia and West Africa, Korea and New York, Ireland and Texas; they are black, white, Native American, Asian, Hispanic, young, middle-aged, and older adults representing more than sixty denominations—each committed in ministry to Jesus Christ and the church.
Princeton Theological Seminary provides an environment of ethnic and cultural diversity, with students coming from nearly every state and 25 countries.
Application requirements and timelines vary by degree type.